Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Refined Target Audience!

Indie and alternative rock music is all about looking good and being in fashion, neally all indie/alternative rock artists wear modern trendy clothes because they want young people to be interested in them, not just for their music, but for their style too.
Also artists of these two genres are mostly young adults/late teens which makes young people such as myself interested in these artists. Another factor that makes young people interested in this style of music is the artists music that they create. As most of their music is about real life experiences young people can relate to their music and lyrics simply because the artists are young and most of the fans are young which makes it easier to relate to their music.
So after taking all of this into account i have decided to target my magazine from 15-25 years of age. I think that this is a broad target audience covering the late teens and young adult age range, and i think this is a suitable choice because most of the artists are within this age range too.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

My name choice!

After thinking of many different names i could use for my music magazine, i have decided to call it "AMPLIFY". I chose this name because my music magazine will be based around rock music which is designed to be performed live, so i think that amplify would be a suitable name choice.

My masthead will be in a large font to re enforce the idea of an amplifier increasing the volume of music.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Music Magazine name ideas!


PS-(Popular sounds)







Drop The Beat

Turn it up




White Noise!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Before i decided on a final price for my magzine i needed to research into other music magazines and the prices they charge for each issue. As my music magazine will be targetted at young teenagers/students i will need to make sure that the price of the magazine isn't too high, as this age group may not have as much spending money as adults which have a well payed stable job.

Kerrang! magazine charges £2.20 per issue
Q magazine costs £3.99 per issue
and NME magazine costs £2.20 per issue.

I think that i will make my magazine price £2.10 per issue because it will be slightly cheaper than the NME and KERRANG! magazine. I think this is a good idea because its cheaper than all of the magazine prices above and as NME and Kerrang! are very popular magazines making my price slightly lower than theirs may make my magazine more popular than theirs.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

This is a rock/world music magazine called MOJO targeted at the older generation who liked real rock music in the 70's/80's.

L- Straight away the masthead stands out, its in your face, bold and big which makes it more attractive. Although the masthead is white it stands out really well against the black background. The house colour theme is very similar to the NME magazine here with the red being very dominant on the front cover. All of the small headlines are in a red font in capital bold letters which also draws attention to them and stand out. The information underneath each headline is in a white font, i think that they have done this to seperate the information from the headlines so that the headlines stand out more so. In the top left corner we see a red box with white font that says "FREE CD" again like the kerrang! magazine its offering us something free to make this magazine appeal to us so that we will buy it. The main headline is above the masthead again an unusual layout but very similar to the NME layout. The writing is in a bold block font which is red so it stands out against the background but also the white masthead.

I- The institution for this magazine is BEUAR MEDIA.

I- The idealogy for this magazine is rock music/world music targeted at an older generation. We know this straight away from the date in which the magazine first began (1946). Also the main image is an older person who looks like they are from the 70's eara. He would not be on the front cover for a modern magazine as they are aimed at a younger generation. I think that this magazine takes a positive look into original rock music and is genrally made for people who enjoyed this old type of rock music when it was popular.

A- Audience which i have already stated will be the older generation maybe in 40's/50's or older as they will remember this rock generation. I think that it is targeted at men as there are no woman mentioned on the front cover and most of the colours are quite dark.

The contents page looks very vintage and straight away we see something which tells us that this is for the older generation, the photographs in black and white i'd say were taken around 10/20 years ago. Also we see a picture of dennis the menace which was popular in the 80's. The photographs just re-enforce us that this magazine is made for an older target audience. The masthead is the same as the masthead on the front cover but black and slightly smaller. There is quite a lot of writing on the contents page, but i think this is because its targeted at an older audience and they will read the magazine, younger people tend to like looking at the photographs more than reading. The theme of red black and white from the front cover runs through to the contents page, red still dominating the page, again like the NME magazine. The contents headlines are in a slightly bolder font than the information underneath, this is to make it bold so you read the title first, and if you are interested in whatever the title tells you, you are more likely to read the story about it inside. I think that this contents page would appeal to an older generation

Here is a double page spread from the Mojo magazine that i found. Straight away when you look at these two pages we can see that the  majority of the space is taken up by a lot of writing in a very small font, which tells us that if you want to know about this story you may have to have quite a bit of time to read through this magazine article. Also from the amountof writing we can also relate this to the target audience. As the target audience is for an older generation who witnessed rock in the 70's and 80's the people who buy this magazine will like to read long articles because when they were younger they will have read a lot more than many people nowadays. Students and teenagers like magazines with plenty of pictures and photographs and little writing, i think this because nowadays there is so much technology and new modern inventions that people take things like reading for granted and dont bother to do it anymore.
At the bottom of the two pages there is a montage of photographs of singers and bands from
This is another example of a music magazine within the same sub genre choice as mine "NME".
L- The masthead which is "NME" of course is in a very bold block formed font with a white outlining, this stands out instantly as red is a very bold brash colour and against the white border it makes it stand out even more. Also red is associated with passion and danger which may suggest that the music genre trype is passionate and some what dangerous. The headline above the masthead is in a quite unusual place for a headline, usually the masthead is above everything, but here we see something different, but it works well as the mastheasd is so bold the headline doesn't over power the masthead. The headline is in a large bold blocky font again like the masthead and is white, i think that they chose white as it wouldnt stand out too muchh to draw attention away from the masthead. The main headline which is in a very bold red font on the main image is slightly towards the left hand side of the page. Most of the bold headlines and text is on the left hand side which draws attention to that side of the page. Most of the less bold writing is on the right hand side of the page as they are advertising other stories which are featured within the magazine. On the left hand side of the page we can see that the only thing that is advertised is the main story amd image to go along side with it. Similar to the KERRANG! music magazine we can see that there are small storyheadlines at the bottom of the page but not boxed in like kerrang. This is a good idea as it doesnt clutter the page up with lots of writing and text which would cover up the cover image. I think that they have chosen a good house theme colour as the redfont goes with the womans red hair whcih makes it seem much neater and tidier, and genrally look more presentable.

I- The institution for this magazine is Ipc media

I- The idealogy for this magazine would again like the KERRANG! magazine a positive look into music and the music world. I think that this music magazine is a little more celebrity based than KERRANG!, simply because a lot of the stories arent actually about the artists and their music its about them and their lives, a good example of this would be the story headline about Pete Docherty on the front page, so already its advertising personal things to these people and not so much their music career.

A- The audience for this magazine is again young adults/teenagers id say more girls woudl read this magazine as it has more celebrity gossip in it than KERRANG!. I think that this magazine obviously targetted at the same audience as the sub genre target audience, but i think its more of a female targeted audience than male. Especially with the woman on the front page as the main story and as well as anything else it just looks more than a fashion magazine than a music magazine at a glimpse.
This is the contents page for the NME magazine.

Again like the front cover the house colour theme runs through and the colour red is still dominant on this page like the front cover.The masthead links with the masthead on the front cover as we see the NME sign once again but on a black background this time, i think this is to make it stand out more against the white. At the left hand side of the page there is a band index, this is a good idea as we know what bands are included and again the font is in red to stand out against the white background. At the bottom of the page there is a very bold yellow font advetising subscription to the magazine, this is also a good thing to include in a magazine as it can increase more sales. To make this box stand out they have made it black and white and the font is yellow which makes it stand out from the rest of the page simply because the other text is black,  white and red.
The contents headlines along the right hand side are in white font against a black background which makes them appear bolder so you read them first, to help you find whatever your looking for in the magazine.

The photograph is central on the page and doesnt really represent any artist or band whixh makes it seem a little confusing, i think that they should have used a photograph of a band somewhere on teh page to show that this is a music magazine.
This is the double page spread for the NME magazine.

This page at a glance looks quite simple and plain which makes it look quite boring. There is a lot of text which could be quite a bore to read simply becasue of the plain layout in which they have chosen for this story. Something which is good about this story is the house colour theme. The woman is wearing black, has red hair and is sitting on something white and red which are all of the colours used in the magazine. The red material on the chair is appropriate as the headline says "got the love" and the red represents love and passion. I think that they chose white and grey for the background as white represents purity and innosence, maybe they are trying to portray her as innocent and pure. The writing is in a much more flamboient font and less bold than the other font that we have seen previously in the magazine. Although this page does look very different from the other pages in the magazine we can instantly tell it belongs to the NME magazine just becasue of the dominant colour "RED" which runs throughout the magazine.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Market research!

This is an example of a top selling rock music magazine called "KERRANG!".

This is an example of a rock magazine called "Kerrang"
L-  The masthead "Kerrang" is loacated central at the top of the page spread right accross the width of the page. The photograph of the band "You Me At Six" is located infront of the masthead which makes it look 3D  but also makes the masthead look like a peice of glass or a window. We get this impression because the masthead beackground is white and the text itself is black, also the text is shattered, looks broken and smashed which tells us that this genre of music is loud and basically trying to communicate that it can break glass. I think that the choice of blocky square font was also a good idea as it represents the heavyness of the music style and re-enforces the sub genre type. Also this block type of font may be trying to represent the idea of a rock with its hard edges and heavy looking lines.
The headline "You Me At Six" is in  a white font contrasting with the black masthead so both titles can stand out without fighting against eachother and also the reasoning for the headline being white is that if it were black you would not be able to see it against the black background. The yellow taglines under and at the top of the main headline stand out and they also have the shattered glass look to the lettering again like the masthead, this makes it look dramatic and fit in with the masthead style.
This magazine also has two banner headlines at the top and the bottom of the page, this is a good idea as it shows us other headlines that are included in the magazine without cluttering up the page with information. They again fit with the house colour theme and are written in white against the black background for contrast and visability. On the left hand side of the page we see some photographs of bands, the white text tells us the names of each band incase us the audience didnt know already. Also this is again telling us that the bands are included in the magazine without cluttering the front page up with unneccesary text.
Another headline which may stand out to us would be the "FREE POSTER SPECIAL".  The font is again in a blocky square type font which makes it stand out and re-enforse the sub genre style The word free is in a red font which highlights it to make it stand out and make you want to buy the magazine as you will retrieve a free poster inside. Personally i think that the choice of language and text on this front cover was very good as all the text is visable and easy to read and it also links with the style of music in which it is portraying.
I- The instituion for this magazine is BEAUR MEDIA.     

I- the idealogy of this magazine is rock music. Taking a look into rock bands lives, where their next gigs and concerts are and how they got famous. This magazine takes a positive look into the sub genre making millions of people purchase this magazine, simply because its not filled with which music artist recently started doing drugs or who broke up with who. Its not about the celebrity culture its about music, its exactly what it tells you on the front cover. It gives you an insight of band life without the drama like we see in many magazines with celebrities. We see the musicians in this magazine as being normal people, people in which you can relate to and not so much celebrities that you will never meet because there too famous for that.
A-The target audience for this magazine are young adults/ teenagers. We can see this from looking at the front cover because the band members on the front cover look like young adults, also the main band member who is stood central in the page and the main band member is pulling a face to look funny. Also the sub genre "ROCK" is targetted at young people which would indicate why this magazine would be aimed at young adults.

This is a contents page i found from the KERRANG! magazine, its not the contents page for the front page i found (above) as i couldnt find the right one, but i think that all of the contents pages are quite similar from what i found on the internet.
The house colour theme is the same as the front cover which keeps the magazine looking the same and not looking jumbled up and scruffy. The masthead "CONTENTS" is in quite a round font which personally i think should be different as it doesnt really link with the masthead on the front cover, i think that if it were the same font as the masthead on the front page it would look musch better and it would look more like a rock magazine. From looking at the masthead it could be any magazine now, a much thicker and blockier square font would have been more suitable. Also we see the yellow font like the taglines on the front cover. I think that they chose to use yellow as its a bright and bold colour that will stand out from the white and black, if they just used white and black the magazine would look quite boring and it wouldnt strike you in the same way.
The healines of the contents are also in yellow with a black background which makes them stand out so you see what the main stories are in the magazine. The photographs along the lefthand side of the page have taglines underneath to tell you a small amount of information about the bands/artists that will be featured in the magazine. The name of the bands is in a slightly bigger and bolder than the information about he bands which is underneath, i think that they have done this because if your favorite band is featured your not going to care what they are talking about you will want to read about them.

Here we have a double page story from the KERRANG! magazine. I chose this double page spread as it is quite striking and bold. If you were flicking through a magzine and you turned to this page you would probably turn back to see what it was all about.The masthead "THE BEST MCR" instantly tells us the audience that the magazine is being quite biased towards this magazine as its telling you that its the best. As people who read this magazine will like the same genre they will probably like this band if they havnt already heard of it sicne its being called "the best". The font is in the shattered glass blocky looking font like the masthead on the front cover which re-enforces the sub genre and links with the front cover of the magazine. Again the background is black which makes the white text stand out. The small headlines underneath and on top of the masthead are again in the same font but in a red font colour. The colour red may suggest that this band is passionate about music or are dangerous and outgoing with there songs.The photos are all in sepia which makes them stand out as usually photos are either in colour or black and white, but the sepia effect works well here as it goes with the colour red which is used many times on the pages. The actual story itself isnt very long and only takes up around a quarter of the page, the photographs tend to dominate the page which will attract attention instantly as people tend to look at the phtoographs first. The story isnt too long to read so its boring, but also its not to short so it doesnt have enough information. The red banner which says "world exclusive" in the top left hand side of the page makes us think that this story is very important and may be worth reading, also they have highlighted this is red again to stand out from the black background.

Overall, i think that this magazine has been well thought out and the colour schemes, fonts and photographs have been chosen and used well.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Publisher research and chosen Publisher!

BAUER MEDIA, ipc media and Cond'e Nast are the three main magazine publishers. For my music magazine i will need to decide which publisher i will produce my magazine with. All of these publishers are very different and some publishers have more existing music magazines than others. I need to chose a publisher which has very few music magazines within the same genre as mine, or non at all.

Cond'e Nast
First of all i researched more into Cond'e Nast looking at what type of magazines they publish and weather there would be a gap in the market for my magazine. After researching this i found out that Cond'e Nast publishes magazines such as Vouge, Teen Vouge, Bon Appetit, Hotel Chatter, Golf Digest and Brides. These type of magazines are all aimed at the upper class, you can see this by simply looking at the different magazines   and different hobbies each magazine is from e.g. Golf, which is an expensive sport and Hotel Chatter this tells us that the magazine is for somebosdy who visits many hotels with Buisiness or at their own leisure. This publisher does not publish any music magazines which would give me a space in the market for my music magazine, but as my music magazine is based on rock my magazine would not be suitable with this publisher, i think that a classical music magazine may be more appropriate for this publisher.

Secondly i researched into BAUER MEDIA, again looking at the style and types of magazines in which it publishes, and by doing this i found out that this publisher sells magazines such as Kerrang!, Pop, Q, Mojo, Empire, Your Horse, Match, Practical Photography, Pregnancy & Birth and Heat. With a much wider range of magazines and target audiences this publisher would be a good one to chose for my magazine, but as this publisher already has two music magazines within the same sort of Genre as mine i will not be using this publisher.

ipc media-my chosen publisher
Thirdly and finally i researched into the magazines in which ipc media publish and heres a few examples of what i found out. Look, Country Life, NME, Marie Claire, Good To Know Recipies, Horse, Ideal Home, T.V. Times and Uncut. This publisher sells mainly T.V. guides after looking through the magazines in which it publishes. 

The only music magazines it publishes are NME and Uncut. I think that there is space in this market for my music magazine as there are only two music magazines that are actually published by ipc media, which is why i have chosen to publish my magazine with this publisher.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

My Chosen Genre!

I think that its very hard to say one artist is a rock song writer and one is an indie song writer because artists/bands change their genre and style frequently,between albums and songs. So this made is quite difficult for me to decide a certain specific genre for my magazine.
I noticed after looking at different music magazines that the genre mostly shown in todays magazines is alternative rock/modern rock/indie, so i have decided that i will use alternative rock/indie for my music genre type. I think that this is a good idea as many young trendy fashionable people like this genreas its up to date and modern, lso young people like  to got to watch gigs and live performances of their favorite bands and artists of these genre type are known for live gigs and tours. Artists within these music genre types are passionate about the music that they create and many bands/artists base their songs on real life experiences that they have had and not just some sad love song that they have made up like most "pop" artists do nowadays. Also the songs in which these artists write everyone can relate to and because most of these indie/alt rock bands/artists are young adults, young people such as myself can relate to them more because they are of a similar age to me and things that they sing about may effect my life in a certain way too.

Also personally alternative rock/indie music is what i enjoy listening to the most and i think that as i already have some knowledge about these two genres that i will find making my music magazine much easier than chosing  a genre such as "pop" which is something i rarely listen to as the voices are autotuned and the music sounds very electro. I prefer real music with real voices and real instruments which of course is more impressive and interesting to listen to than a computer edited voice.

Music genre's i could use!

There are many different genre's of music in which i could chose to base my magazine on. I will need to think about the type of audience i would like to attract, so i will first of all look at different types of music genres and the type of people who listen to each genre. Also my genre choice will have to have a ast target audience as i want my magazine to be popular. I will need to pick a genre in which i also feel comfortable with producing, simply because i need to know something about the genre in which i have choen to respresent in my magazine.
These are a few different genre's in which i researched into that i could use for my magazine.
      Rock/Modern Rock

         Audience- The target audience for this genre of music are young adults/teenagers(students). This genre of music appeals to this age range as this music is usually about everyday issues and situations which people can relate to. Both male and female enjoy this genre of music which is why i think it is a good idea to maybe choose this genre for my music magazine.

Style-The style of this music is usually quite heavy, loud and has a strong beat/rhythm. This genre does not really give you a happy feeling when listening to it. This is simply because the songs are usually about problems/issues.

Things i would consider if i used this genre-As this magazine would be for a rock/punk audience i would need to think about the house colour style. I think that the main colours i would use would be BLACK as it repreents darkness, power,evil and death. Black would be a good colour as it would again represent isues and problems like the songs usually represent also i would use RED which symbolises danger, style, energetic, romance and daring. Again like black the meaning which red symbolises ould contrast well with the style of music. Good colours for this style would be dark colours with white text to stand out from the backgound colours,dark colours would be best suited for the mood of this music genre and they would represent the ttyle of this genre well.

Audience-The audience for this genre ranges from young children to students usually girls like this type of music. Although this genre may apply to older adults its target audience is young teenagers/students. Again the reasoning for this is that the songs are usually about love, relationships and going out with friends. Pop music is usually upbeat and happy and catchy which makes people want to listen to it. Also a lot of the songs people can relate to as the songs are aboutlove and relationships usually.
Style-The stle of this genre is usually quite technological, most of the music is made on a computer and the oice has usually been autotuned to make it sound better.

Things i would consider if i used this genre-Pop music has a very wide ranged audience from very young children to adults. This genre would be a good choice as there are very few pop genre based magazines out there at the moment and its quite suprising as this genre is one of the most popular genre's out there.The masthead choice for this genre could be something quite big round maybe quite bubbly contemporary looking, futeristic lettering. The colours that you would use for your house colour theme could be anything really. As pop is quite a happy catchy genre the colours can be bright and bold to match this style. So colours such as black and grey would not be suitable as they connate different meanings. Colours like yellow, red, green and blue would be suitable as like the music is catchy the magazine needs to look catchy and stand out to a potential buyer of the magazine.


Audience- This genre is targeted at young teenagers/students. This genre is usually preffered by male but some females do also listen to this genre. I feel that this genre might be quite difficult to use for my magazine as it is a popular genre but i think that i arent as familiar with this genre as i am others which may make it harder for me to produce.

Style-The style of this music is quite similar to punk/rock but not quite as heavy and loud. Usually this genre uses the same sort of instruments as rock e.g. drums, guitar, lead singer and bassist. I'd say that indie music sounds more relaxed and layed back, much more so than rock music.
This genre of music is usually about everyday things such as going to work, seeing friends, relationships and friendships, i think that the songs dont really reflect a mood like sadness or happyness there just layed back songs which tell you about their everyday life really.

Things i would consider if i used this genre-I would need to think about my house colour theme, as this is quite a layed back genre quite relaxing to listen to, i think that i would choose colours such as cream, beige and black and white to reflect this. I think that those colours dont really reflect many moods or feelings which would be suitable for this genre, also they are relaxing to look at with your eyes which also reflects the type of music in which it would be communicating. Another reason i would chose those colours would be that its meant to be an individual music type and no other magazines use these colours so it would stand out from the rest of the magaziens on the shelves. I think that my masthead choice for thisgenre would be something quite big but very simple in thin lettering maybe to again reflect the simpleness of the genre and the feeling of being layed back. i dont think that a bold brash font would look suitable as it would not match the music style.


Audience-This genre of music is for a safisticated taste in music which means its usually older people or wealthy people who appreciate this genre of music more so than young adults. This is probably the only genre which is not targeted at young adults simply because of its safistication. I think that one of the reasons it is said to be a safisticated music genre are the musical instruments used. All of the instruments used in this genre are classical instruments, the instruments that were created before any other which many people find are much more interesting and enjoyable to listen to than the new instruments we find in pop music and bands today.
Style-The style of this music is very calming and relaxing and is usually played as background music as it creates a good atmosphere. Many of the classical singers sing in itallian or another language which we associate with opera. The singers usually perform in a large theatre or a church as this type of music is also associated with religeon because many classical singers sing religeous hymms at christmas and easter.

Things i would consider if i used this genre-I would need to think about my house colour style. A deffinate colour i would use for this genre would be red, as it symbolises wealth and royalty and as this was one of the first genre of music created. The Royal family have listened to this genre of music since it began. Also i would maybe use gold as this again symbolises wealth and safistication which links with the style of music. I would also use black because it would tie in with the colour of the musical notes in which the musicians play as the background music for the singer. I think that this would be quite hard to produce in a magaine as it is not preffered by the majority of people simply because its out of date and old fashioned.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

LIIAR Of The Brief!

Front cover
L - I think that as the photograph will be for a music magazine either a close up or a medium close up shot would be suitable. The colour scheme i will use will depend on the genre of music i will chose e.g. if i were to chose rock as my genre i would probably use dark colours e.g. black and red whereas if i was going to chose R&B as my genre i may use a more calming colour like blue or purple. Choosing colours to match the genre of music is important as certain genres portray different feelings and moods through their music.

My masthead will be the name of the music magazine and i will make this quite big and very bold, i will situate the masthead either in the top left hand side or, right simply because this is where music magazines usually have their mastheads. Again like the colour scheme the type of font i will use for my masthead will depend on the genre of music i decide to use e.g. pop as my genre i would use a font that looks quite bubbly and round, not so blocky and square. Where as if i were to choose heavy metal as my genre i would probably choose a very blocky heavy looking font.

I will need to inclue a banner headline which will be the band name or singer/song writer in which will be on the front cover. I will need to decide where the place the writing e.g. on top of the photograph or underneath the photograph. I will also use captions under small photographs i may use on the front cover to just explain what the stories may be about.

I - There needs to be a gap in the market for my magazine as i would be competing against other Music magazines.

I - I will need my front cover to automatically attract the type of buyer i am attracting which will be the people who like the genre of music that i will be selling.

A - I will need to chose a specific audience type for my magazine, simply because people will not buy the magazine if it is a mixture of all genre.

R - I would like my target audience/artists/music genre to be represented positivley or people will not buy the magazine.

Music Magazine Brief!

Main task: For the next task i have to create the frontpage, contents page and a double spread article of a music magazine. All text and images must be original andcreated by me and i must use a minimum of four images.

Friday, 22 October 2010


I think that my final outcome, my front cover of the magazine and the contents page turned out well. I think that my colour scheme and house theme worked well together and the font i chose for both contents and the front cover worked well because they were both simple bold fonts but effective which makes them stand out so you look at the text and pick it up.The colour of my font was an important issue as, on the front cover the photographic background could have easily masked out and hidden the text, but as i made the colour of the text so bright and bold the text hit you and did stand out.

I used a digital camera to take my photographs. I photographed all of my images within the Wyke College grounds. I  think that my photographs i chose to use worked very well as they represented college life as a happy and fun time and not a boring long dull time. 
I think that i could have improved my photography by maybe using more photographs on my contents page, other than that i think that they worked well. 
I had a few problems with cutting around photos on photo shop for my contents page as they didn't cut a smooth line, so instead i just used the full photo's, i think that they looked okay in the end anyway.
My photograph for the front cover i think personally was the best photograph i had taken for this project,it also fitted in with the issue date which was autumn, so the student was dressed appropriately for the season and the setting of the photograph looking appropriate for this season also.

I decided that the name for my magazine "life@wyke" was suitable as its a more funky and modern version which would appeal to young students at Wyke College.If i were to chose another name for my magazine cover i may have chosen something like "Wyke life" which again would relate to student life.

I think that the story lines in which i chose to use were suitable and effective and if this were a magazine in a College i think that people would pick it up and buy it. They weren't very educational story lines which means that they would appeal to many students as most people wouldn't really be interested in the magazine if it were educational.

If i were to improve on things during this project i would definitely improve my contents page and, i don't think that i would change anything on my front cover as i like the layout although i could have maybe made the headlines a little larger, but i didn't make them bigger as i wanted the photograph to be visible and not be hidden by a lot of text.

Final contents page plan!

The layout above the contents page is design i decided to use, i think this version of my contents page looks much better than the first one i made, also it looks as if it belongs to the magazine cover much better than the other contents page. I have carried on the same colour theme and font style appart from the contents masthead, simply because the computers at College do not have the same font as the one i used on photoshop at home, so i tried to find the most similar one i could on photoshop at college and make it exactly the same colours to make it even more similar.I used the same font for the small headings as i did on the front cover so its linked, I also used a green border to highlight the images to make them stand out from the purple background, i think that this makes it stand out more so.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Layout design for my contents page!

This was my first layout design for my contents page. i tried using this layout on photoshop, example above, but i dont like it so i am going to try a different layout.

Contents page idea!

As i am only designing my draft for the contents page i will not need to produce the finished design, so my contents page will have things on it in which i would have improved on and changed if i were to produce the finished peice.
I need my contents page to look as if it belongs to the front cover so i need to use the same house theme green, purple, blue and white. Also i will need to use the same fonts used on the front cover, or very similar so they look the same.
I will use photographs which i have taken for the contents page ... one with a student stood outside the new building, one with a student reading in the library and one with the dance students in the theatre. 

Story headlines in which i will use on my contents page will be...
.Official opening of the Oak building.
.Wyke library wins award.
.Wyke talent show.
.Media 2011 New York trip.
.Uni open day information.
.NUS. what are the advantages?.
.Smoking, your veiw!.

I chose these storylines as i want to represent student life in my College magazine and i think these storylines represent this well.

My final front cover!


This is my final front cover for my College magazine. I chose my house theme to be purple, green, white and blue to match the College website. All of the headlines plus email and date are in the same font "Teen light", i chose this font as its easy to read and also its bold enough to stand out from the photographic background. The story headlines are all in green and blue and the captions for each story are blue and purple, i did this because i wanted the text to stand out against the photograph and as the photograph looks quite busy i needed a bold vibrant font that stands out even if the text is small.

 My masthead is in  a different font so that it stands out from the other text on the page. I chose to outline the masthead in green as the purple didnt stand out very well against the photograph. The masthead is in a childlike font which makes it seem more fun and exiting just by looking at the masthead.

I was going to cut around the student on photoshop and place it onto either a purple or green background, like the College web page, but instead i decided to keep the photo as it was, simply because i wanted the new building to be featured on the front cover, also i think that the photograph covering the full page looks more proffesional and well thought out.

I edited the contrast and temperature of the photograph on photoshop to brighten the picture and make it stand out more. Editing it also made it look like a much better quality photograph than the original photo which looked quite dull and bland.

Story Headlines i will use!

On the front cover, i will advertie three story headlines so that the page isn't too cluttered with writing, the storys in which i have decided to feature are ...

.The official opening of the Oak building-i have decided to chose this as a main story as the photograph for my front cover includes the new building in the background, also as the Oak building is new to the students of Wyke College a story about the new building would be appropriate.

Second story headline!

.Wyke talent show-I decided that as this was a student life magazine i didnt want it to be very educational based, so i thought that advertising a College talent show would be a good idea to attract the students attention into looking through the magazine to find out more information about it.

Third story headline!

.My third and final story headline will be New York 2011 media trip-I chose this story as many students who take Media as a subject may be interested in this fabulous opportunity.Also the students will see this on the front cover and look through the magazine to find more information about it which means that they will look through the full magazine.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

My chosen photograph !

This is the photograph i am going to use for the front cover. After looking at all of the photographs in which i had taken for my front cover, i decided that this was my favorite as it shows the student looking enthusiastic and happy. I think that this photograph best suits the theme of College life and looks bright and vibrant for a front cover image, which will also attract attention with its bold brash colours.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Photos i took for my front cover !

This is one of the photographs i took for the front cover,but i decided not to use this photograph as i would like it to show college life and not so much "education" on the front page .
I like the angle of this photograph .I think i may use this in the contents page to show the student studying in the new Oak buildings' Library .

This was an outdoor shot so you can view the new Oak building that opened earlier this year .The only thing i didn't like about this photograph was the tree trunk blocking the vue of the building .

Here i wanted to photograph the student looking back at the new College, but after taking the photo it doesn't look how i would have liked it to .It looks as if the student looked away as i was taking the photograph which is why i am going to use a photo with the student looking at the camera or facing forwards so you can see the face, and it doesn't just look like "bad " photography.

I think that this photograph shows that this is a College student ready to work as he is holding his book and stood outside the new building but I wasn't too keen on the angle of the photograph. 

I think this photograph is good as it shows that the student looks happy and enthusiastic about College, but as half of the building in the background is cut off i will not be using this photograph.

I think that the angle of the photo is good but again like the photo above, the building in the background is cut off which is why i wont be using this photograph.

I thought it would be a good idea to photograph outside the Wyke College sign as its showing you the new Oak building, but also showing you the student stood outside the College looking enthusiastic and ready for work.

Here is another photograph similar to the one taken above, but a closer up of the student. I aren't as keen on this photograph as it looks quite squashed up and close together.

Magazine name ideas !

I want the College magazine to represent College Life, so i need the Magazine name to be appropriate for this .
Some of my magazine name ideas are ...
. Life@Wyke
. College Life
. Wyke News
. What's on at Wyke,and 
. Student Life 

The one i highlighted is the name i have decided to use .I think that it looks modern as the word "at" is replaced by the abbreviation ,this will look much more up to date and fashionable .

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Front Cover layout idea !

This was just a quick plan of a layout which i may use for my front cover.
But i arent sure about the layout of the headlines and logo all being at the same side .

This was my second layout idea with the masthead and photograph central ,which gives it a more original themed style ,rather than a modern style .

This is my final template for my front cover.I think that the photograph covering the full page instead of a background with a photo on top will look more modern, proffesional and will also stand out. I chose to put the masthead in the top left corner as ir looks more modern as its not central on the page,also i will make the masthead very bold so it stands out. I will put the email adress in the bottom right as its not really something that needs to stand out, the same applies for the issue date which will be situated in the top right hand side. The story headlines will be down the left hand side in a different font to the masthead as i would like the masthead to stand out significantly more so than the rest of the text.

House style !

After looking through the Wyke College website ,i noticed that the house colour style was GREEN ,PURPLE ,BLUE and WHITE . 
So i think that it would be a good idea if my magazine used the same house colour style ,to keep the theme going  ,also the students will recognize the magazine straight away as the colour scheme will be the same as the web page .
For a College magazine i think that these four colours would be appropriate as the tone 
white symbolises innocence and purity, this  tells us that the students that attend Wyke College are excellent examples of college students that are willing to learn ,and they enjoy life at College .Blue symbolises  trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.This shows us that the students that attend Wyke are confident intelligent learners who are trustworthy and loyal people .
Purple symbolises wealth ,leadership ,royalty ,luxury and sophistication .This shows us that the College offers the students expensive equipment and technology .Leadership tells us that the students have a say in what happens at their College, they can approach teachers and tell them if there unhappy or happy with something at College .
Green is the colour of peace , nature, well being and growth .This shows us that students grow in knowledge within their time at Wyke College .It also shows us that the College is peaceful and a tranquil place to be in .