Tuesday, 23 November 2010

This is another example of a music magazine within the same sub genre choice as mine "NME".
L- The masthead which is "NME" of course is in a very bold block formed font with a white outlining, this stands out instantly as red is a very bold brash colour and against the white border it makes it stand out even more. Also red is associated with passion and danger which may suggest that the music genre trype is passionate and some what dangerous. The headline above the masthead is in a quite unusual place for a headline, usually the masthead is above everything, but here we see something different, but it works well as the mastheasd is so bold the headline doesn't over power the masthead. The headline is in a large bold blocky font again like the masthead and is white, i think that they chose white as it wouldnt stand out too muchh to draw attention away from the masthead. The main headline which is in a very bold red font on the main image is slightly towards the left hand side of the page. Most of the bold headlines and text is on the left hand side which draws attention to that side of the page. Most of the less bold writing is on the right hand side of the page as they are advertising other stories which are featured within the magazine. On the left hand side of the page we can see that the only thing that is advertised is the main story amd image to go along side with it. Similar to the KERRANG! music magazine we can see that there are small storyheadlines at the bottom of the page but not boxed in like kerrang. This is a good idea as it doesnt clutter the page up with lots of writing and text which would cover up the cover image. I think that they have chosen a good house theme colour as the redfont goes with the womans red hair whcih makes it seem much neater and tidier, and genrally look more presentable.

I- The institution for this magazine is Ipc media

I- The idealogy for this magazine would again like the KERRANG! magazine a positive look into music and the music world. I think that this music magazine is a little more celebrity based than KERRANG!, simply because a lot of the stories arent actually about the artists and their music its about them and their lives, a good example of this would be the story headline about Pete Docherty on the front page, so already its advertising personal things to these people and not so much their music career.

A- The audience for this magazine is again young adults/teenagers id say more girls woudl read this magazine as it has more celebrity gossip in it than KERRANG!. I think that this magazine obviously targetted at the same audience as the sub genre target audience, but i think its more of a female targeted audience than male. Especially with the woman on the front page as the main story and as well as anything else it just looks more than a fashion magazine than a music magazine at a glimpse.
This is the contents page for the NME magazine.

Again like the front cover the house colour theme runs through and the colour red is still dominant on this page like the front cover.The masthead links with the masthead on the front cover as we see the NME sign once again but on a black background this time, i think this is to make it stand out more against the white. At the left hand side of the page there is a band index, this is a good idea as we know what bands are included and again the font is in red to stand out against the white background. At the bottom of the page there is a very bold yellow font advetising subscription to the magazine, this is also a good thing to include in a magazine as it can increase more sales. To make this box stand out they have made it black and white and the font is yellow which makes it stand out from the rest of the page simply because the other text is black,  white and red.
The contents headlines along the right hand side are in white font against a black background which makes them appear bolder so you read them first, to help you find whatever your looking for in the magazine.

The photograph is central on the page and doesnt really represent any artist or band whixh makes it seem a little confusing, i think that they should have used a photograph of a band somewhere on teh page to show that this is a music magazine.
This is the double page spread for the NME magazine.

This page at a glance looks quite simple and plain which makes it look quite boring. There is a lot of text which could be quite a bore to read simply becasue of the plain layout in which they have chosen for this story. Something which is good about this story is the house colour theme. The woman is wearing black, has red hair and is sitting on something white and red which are all of the colours used in the magazine. The red material on the chair is appropriate as the headline says "got the love" and the red represents love and passion. I think that they chose white and grey for the background as white represents purity and innosence, maybe they are trying to portray her as innocent and pure. The writing is in a much more flamboient font and less bold than the other font that we have seen previously in the magazine. Although this page does look very different from the other pages in the magazine we can instantly tell it belongs to the NME magazine just becasue of the dominant colour "RED" which runs throughout the magazine.

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