Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Market research!

This is an example of a top selling rock music magazine called "KERRANG!".

This is an example of a rock magazine called "Kerrang"
L-  The masthead "Kerrang" is loacated central at the top of the page spread right accross the width of the page. The photograph of the band "You Me At Six" is located infront of the masthead which makes it look 3D  but also makes the masthead look like a peice of glass or a window. We get this impression because the masthead beackground is white and the text itself is black, also the text is shattered, looks broken and smashed which tells us that this genre of music is loud and basically trying to communicate that it can break glass. I think that the choice of blocky square font was also a good idea as it represents the heavyness of the music style and re-enforces the sub genre type. Also this block type of font may be trying to represent the idea of a rock with its hard edges and heavy looking lines.
The headline "You Me At Six" is in  a white font contrasting with the black masthead so both titles can stand out without fighting against eachother and also the reasoning for the headline being white is that if it were black you would not be able to see it against the black background. The yellow taglines under and at the top of the main headline stand out and they also have the shattered glass look to the lettering again like the masthead, this makes it look dramatic and fit in with the masthead style.
This magazine also has two banner headlines at the top and the bottom of the page, this is a good idea as it shows us other headlines that are included in the magazine without cluttering up the page with information. They again fit with the house colour theme and are written in white against the black background for contrast and visability. On the left hand side of the page we see some photographs of bands, the white text tells us the names of each band incase us the audience didnt know already. Also this is again telling us that the bands are included in the magazine without cluttering the front page up with unneccesary text.
Another headline which may stand out to us would be the "FREE POSTER SPECIAL".  The font is again in a blocky square type font which makes it stand out and re-enforse the sub genre style The word free is in a red font which highlights it to make it stand out and make you want to buy the magazine as you will retrieve a free poster inside. Personally i think that the choice of language and text on this front cover was very good as all the text is visable and easy to read and it also links with the style of music in which it is portraying.
I- The instituion for this magazine is BEAUR MEDIA.     

I- the idealogy of this magazine is rock music. Taking a look into rock bands lives, where their next gigs and concerts are and how they got famous. This magazine takes a positive look into the sub genre making millions of people purchase this magazine, simply because its not filled with which music artist recently started doing drugs or who broke up with who. Its not about the celebrity culture its about music, its exactly what it tells you on the front cover. It gives you an insight of band life without the drama like we see in many magazines with celebrities. We see the musicians in this magazine as being normal people, people in which you can relate to and not so much celebrities that you will never meet because there too famous for that.
A-The target audience for this magazine are young adults/ teenagers. We can see this from looking at the front cover because the band members on the front cover look like young adults, also the main band member who is stood central in the page and the main band member is pulling a face to look funny. Also the sub genre "ROCK" is targetted at young people which would indicate why this magazine would be aimed at young adults.

This is a contents page i found from the KERRANG! magazine, its not the contents page for the front page i found (above) as i couldnt find the right one, but i think that all of the contents pages are quite similar from what i found on the internet.
The house colour theme is the same as the front cover which keeps the magazine looking the same and not looking jumbled up and scruffy. The masthead "CONTENTS" is in quite a round font which personally i think should be different as it doesnt really link with the masthead on the front cover, i think that if it were the same font as the masthead on the front page it would look musch better and it would look more like a rock magazine. From looking at the masthead it could be any magazine now, a much thicker and blockier square font would have been more suitable. Also we see the yellow font like the taglines on the front cover. I think that they chose to use yellow as its a bright and bold colour that will stand out from the white and black, if they just used white and black the magazine would look quite boring and it wouldnt strike you in the same way.
The healines of the contents are also in yellow with a black background which makes them stand out so you see what the main stories are in the magazine. The photographs along the lefthand side of the page have taglines underneath to tell you a small amount of information about the bands/artists that will be featured in the magazine. The name of the bands is in a slightly bigger and bolder than the information about he bands which is underneath, i think that they have done this because if your favorite band is featured your not going to care what they are talking about you will want to read about them.

Here we have a double page story from the KERRANG! magazine. I chose this double page spread as it is quite striking and bold. If you were flicking through a magzine and you turned to this page you would probably turn back to see what it was all about.The masthead "THE BEST MCR" instantly tells us the audience that the magazine is being quite biased towards this magazine as its telling you that its the best. As people who read this magazine will like the same genre they will probably like this band if they havnt already heard of it sicne its being called "the best". The font is in the shattered glass blocky looking font like the masthead on the front cover which re-enforces the sub genre and links with the front cover of the magazine. Again the background is black which makes the white text stand out. The small headlines underneath and on top of the masthead are again in the same font but in a red font colour. The colour red may suggest that this band is passionate about music or are dangerous and outgoing with there songs.The photos are all in sepia which makes them stand out as usually photos are either in colour or black and white, but the sepia effect works well here as it goes with the colour red which is used many times on the pages. The actual story itself isnt very long and only takes up around a quarter of the page, the photographs tend to dominate the page which will attract attention instantly as people tend to look at the phtoographs first. The story isnt too long to read so its boring, but also its not to short so it doesnt have enough information. The red banner which says "world exclusive" in the top left hand side of the page makes us think that this story is very important and may be worth reading, also they have highlighted this is red again to stand out from the black background.

Overall, i think that this magazine has been well thought out and the colour schemes, fonts and photographs have been chosen and used well.

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