Wednesday, 6 October 2010

East Riding College Magazine Cover Analysis !

This is an example of a Magazine for East Riding College .This magazine cover has both good ,and bad aspects .The masthead "student life" is central at the top of the page which is where the reader will usually look first .Also the white font stands out against the black background which again makes you look at the masthead before anything else .Bad points about the masthead are ... the font isn't bold enough ,its very plain so it doesn't make you want to read the magazine as it looks boring .The white colour scheme does stand out from the black background but it is very dull and bland .To appeal to the target audience ,which are the students ,the masthead wouldn't appeal ,a much bolder colour could have been used to make this stand out .

The small story headlines in the bottom left are mostly educational apart from the anti bullying headline,which suggests that this magazine is mostly educational based information .Usually the most exiting story lines /information is on the front page ,which suggests that if the information on the front page is boring ,then the rest of the magazine will be even worse .The East Riding College Logo is very poor ,as the house colour is black and white but ... its a very boring colour scheme to use ,the college logo could have been in a different colour to highlight what college this was from to make it stand out .

The photographic image is also very poor ,its dull and gloomy .It does show students out of college on a trip which is a good idea ,but they have probably chosen the worst photograph to use for a magazine cover .It doesn't stand out as being a good magazine ,it stands out as looking depressive and gloomy ,not something which you would pick up and want to read .The students backs are turned and are in silhouette so its unclear as to who the people are .

Overall i think that this is a poor example of a college magazine ,many different things could have been done to improve this magazine and make it appeal to the target audience .

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